About Us

Welcome to Contractor101

We believe we can offer contractors better advice than other contractor suppliers.

Why? Because we’ve been there and done it ourselves.

Our team is a collection of well-educated experts in their chosen fields, who have been contractors and supported themselves for years.

Our team members have been on the frontlines with other contractors and experienced the same problems they’ve had.

That includes issues with payroll, applying for a mortgage, sourcing new clients, tax issues, feeling overwhelmed by admin, insurance applications and more.

As time went by, though, we found the best solutions for our needs, and have pooled together our collective wealth of contracting knowledge to make life easier for today’s contractors.

Our years of experience and the connections we have built up as contractors is invaluable. It’s what sets Contractor101 apart from any other service.

If you’re a contractor, then we’d love to work with you and show you the benefits of our experience first-hand.

Contractor101 is with you 101% of the way!